Stage 2 Pre-Intermediate | 800 headwords | A2 | Movers
“Don’t worry, my child. I’ve heard your words of love and I’m happy for you both Ferdinand, I only wanted to see if your love for my beautiful, sweet daughter Miranda was true.”
Prospero lives on a strange island with his daughter Miranda. One night, with his magic powers, he makes a storm to bring his brother and the King
of Naples to the island. They must pay for what they did in the past. Ferdinand also arrives on the island and finds a surprise. Read the play and see how
the island and Prospero’s magic change the lives of these people.
Verb tenses, forms and patterns
Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present
Perfect Simple with for, since, already,
yet; Future with will, Affirmative,
interrogative, negative forms of tenses,
Imperatives, Passive forms: present
simple and past simple, Verbs plus
gerund, base form or infinitive (like,
would like, want)
Modal verbs Can, could, Must, have to,
need, Should: advice
Drama| Magic | Love | Justice